Safeguard Global APIs

Boost your processes through Safeguard Global APIs

Discover common integration flows and use our APIs to connect your in-house systems with Safeguard Global's workforce enablement platform - Global Unity

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Getting Started Screen

Discover the advantage of implementing Single-Sign-On

Getting Started Screen

Use SAP Fieldglass REST API to send and receive integrated data

Getting Started Screen

Use Safeguard Global integration to Workday Integration Cloud

Integrate with Safeguard Global, unlock the power of seamless integration through our APIs.

At Safeguard, we understand the importance of delivering to our clients always the best service. That’s why we offer a cutting-edge integration solution designed to connect your systems with ours, amplifying your potential for fruitful collaborations.

Our customizable integration solutions ensure a tailored fit to your unique business needs, empowering you to achieve more from our business relationship.

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Increase security and enable seamless integration between your company and Safeguard Global by leveraging Single-Sign-On (SSO)

Discover the advantage of implementing Single-Sign-On (SSO). Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple passwords to embrace a more productive and efficient work environment.

Simplified User Experience

Forget about password overload! SSO empowers users to access our platform using just one set of credentials.

Enhanced Security

SSO reduces the risk of weak or reused passwords by centralizing user authentication and authorization.

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Utilize your own SAP Fieldglass procurement workflow to order workers, onboard and manage them through Safeguard Global

Use SAP Fieldglass REST API to send and receive integrated data directly benefitting of a streamlined service and faster information exchange.

Streamlined Management

Safeguard Global integrations enable your organization to efficiently manage your workers by automating processes related to onboarding, invoicing and payments.

Enhance Visibility and Control

Integrating Safeguard Global with SAP Fieldglass provides real-time visibility into the entire organization allowing your organization to better decision-making, resource optimization while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

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Explore the future of integration with Workday. Discover the multitude of benefits that await your business when you embrace the Workday integration advantage.

Use Safeguard Global integration to Workday Integration Cloud and achieve unparalleled efficiency, productivity and collaboration.

Enhanced Productivity

Let your organization share data without effort and receive real-time updates by integrating Safeguard Global into your Workday applications.

Data Accuracy and Consistency

Ensure data integrity across your organization. Accurate, up-to-date information flows

Get started!

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